Saturday, December 10, 2011

Happy...Applications, I Mean Holidays

So it has been a while again since I've written. Mostly because immediately after attending NASPA Western Regional in San Diego like became a little more hectic. Something is constantly changing in my life so, shocker, my graduate schools have changed again. I've actually removed Rutgers from my list. This leaves me with four applications to work on. For the last two weeks I've been working hard on my Colorado State application. As I began to look more in depth and discover new things about the program, I have found that this is the program I want to be in. It is my top choice, and I am so nervous as I put together everything. The letters of recommendation are flowing in. My statement of purpose is done (just need it to be reviewed with the edits now). I also have finished my resume. The only things left to do are to finish the program applications, send transcripts, and alter my statement for each school. 

This week has been emotionally draining for me and the application process. I've become emotionally attached to my goals and dreams (always have been but even more) and it has definitely had an affect on my attitude. The positivity and support from others is great. They believe that I will get into anywhere I want to go. It is a wonderful feeling when people hold you in such high regard; however, it also adds tons of pressure. I already put tons of pressure on  myself so it's worse when I feel it from others unintentionally. On top of that, the new SOCs have been chosen and I couldn't be happier for them. I am so proud of each and every one of them. At the same time, it brought a mixed feeling of emotions. I'm done with a program that has meant so much to me and been so much a part of the reason I'm going into this field. It is very hard to realize I'm done forever, but I was definitely also ready to be done. Mixed emotions are never good for the emotional type. 

My goal is to be done, mail out, and submit everything by the 19th. I do not want to have applications over my head during the holidays. Needless to say, I'll be restricting a lot of my free time to the process and letting go and letting God. I'm going to Colorado at the end of the month, which is slightly torture but I really want to see my friends. Anyways, wish me luck as I finished up everything in the next 9 days! 

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